The CD “I’ll write my name” presented in DUBoak

On Polnarovo or St. Apollinaris, the patron saint of Dubašnica, the CD “I’ll write my name” was presented in the DUBoak Maritime Heritage Interpretation Center. With this, DUBoak once again showed that it is actually a center that inherits not only the maritime, but also the entire heritage of Dubašnica including the musical one.

The long-announced CD “The long-announced CD “I’ww write my name” with traditional chants from the island of Krk was presented in a nice ceremony in front of a large audience gathered in DUBoak.

The CD was presented by the producer Sabina Barbiš, the composer Mak Murtić, Doris Šabalja and Ivo Bogović as hosts in front of DUBoak, and the mayor Robert Anton Kraljić greeted the gathering, expressing satisfaction with the fact that our heritage is on the rise again.

The CD contains nine traditional songs from the island of Krk as sung by the brothers Dinko and Ivan Đani Barbiš. The CD comes with a very nice informative booklet with the words of all nine songs in the original and with an English translation. The booklet, apart from being informative, is also graphically well-equipped, with photographs showing the sea as the main motif that marked the lives of cantors Dink and Đanij Barbiš.

The CD is not available for free sale, but anyone can get it at the DUBoak Maritime Heritage Interpretation Center.